Disappointments: The Answer is NO:

The feeling of disappointment is often caused when one has an expectation that has not been fulfilled. It is a natural response due to failed hope for the answer of YES.   If you take a moment to think about the nature of disappointment, you will notice that it can cause a ripple effect on the seat of our emotions. It can cause sadness, remorse, bitterness, and resentment in our hearts. Too often we place unachievable expectations into man, or into man made...


On Sunday morning before church I was giving a lot of thought to worship. I started searching Youtube for anyone that had something to say about it. I came across Martha Munizzi’s song “God Is Here” that song touched my spirit in an amazing way. The scripture that came in my spirit was John 4:23,24 “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father...

Right Relationships

Proverbs 27:17 To become the people God wants us to be, it’s essential that we choose the right relationships. They are extremely important because without them, we will be unable to accomplish much in life. We should pursue relationships with people who: • Build our confidence in God as well as in ourselves. • Encourage us when we are troubled and despondent. • Stimulate us to reach our potential. • Energize us when we are weary. • Comfort us when we are hurting....

God Is Waiting In My Future

We are finite creatures limited by time and space, we have a past, present and future. We leave a past behind, live in the present and are limited by time in our future. We live in our future one second at a time, we can’t fast forward or move into another dimension. There are limitations all around us naturally and spiritually. We cannot break through the barriers. However, what I do know is that, there is a God that transcends time and space, he knows my...

The God of Repetition

When the only thing you know to do is trust God there will be people that will talk you into relying on your inability due to their perception. We have to be careful when listening to them, because our strength emanate from a greater source. 1 Samuel 17:31-33 David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.” 33. Saul replied, “You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only...